I recently wrote about my difficulty reconciling the world we live in and an interventionist god and/or techniques for manifesting. You can read that post here if you’re interested.
I was inspired to write about my conflicted feelings where divine assistance is concerned because of a ritual that I’m going to be engaging in December. It’s not my idea - I got it from @vanessaandheriphone on TikTok. It’s called 12 Magical Nights.
It goes like this:
Write 13 wishes for the new year on slips of paper
Fold the papers and put then in a jar or bowl or box
Each night, for 12 nights in a row, remove one of the slips of paper and without opening and reading it, take it outside and burn it, giving it to the universe
On the 13th night, open and read the remaining wish - that’s the one you’re responsible for bringing into reality
I’m going to begin on 24th of December and I’m keeping the list in my 2024 planner, so at the end of the year, I can remember what I wished for and assess.
This ritual appeals to me because it’s physical and earthy. I love smoke. I love the idea of burning these wishes and releasing them to the universe. I love anything that feels like a bridge between this world and the next. I love the idea that my larger spiritual self, or a team of spiritual selves, might be surrounding me, listening and assisting. I love wishing because I believe the answers we seek are hidden in our hearts and naming the wish is the first step to finding the answer.
Our heart’s desires speak to us, guide us, and show us who and what we are. So often the answers to our most pressing questions and dilemmas lie in what we love.
What do you enjoy? What brings you pleasure? What makes time dissolve?
These, I believe, are the things we should be doing. Our hearts light the path for our feet. It is in our heart’s desire that we are joined together.
If we are the vessels for love in the universe then surely our collective journey begins with what we personally love. If love is an energy than I must fill myself with it then go about my day spilling it outward.
Love is magic.
Of course, maybe I am assigning more importance to this than it actually deserves. Maybe I am going to play with 12 Magical Nights, because it sounds fun. Maybe my wishes won’t come true, but maybe they will. Maybe this whole universe is just random and the meaning we assign to anything is completely made up.
But maybe not.