It is mid-October. Here in the U.S., we are experiencing the intensifying pressure of the choice we are making in eighteen days. Living in this energy right now is heavy and scary and heartbreaking. And we are tired.
I do truly believe that if we keep pushing, refuse to shut up, and VOTE, this election won’t be close. But we’re hanging out here on the edge of losing the rights we’ve always taken for granted and falling into fascism - and that is incredibly stressful.
Five On Friday posts offer you bite-sized ideas, prompts, or thoughts built around a theme to take into your weekend, so today, I’m sharing five ways to cope with election anxiety. (I’m not a mental health professional, obviously.)
Lean into your spiritual practice
Do whatever it is you do that brings you into a peaceful, connected state. Pray, meditate, walk in the woods, sit at an altar, chant, listen to an inspirational talk, create a calming music play list. Engage with the practices that remind you of who and what you are. (You might call this escapsim and that’s okay. It’s okay to escape this now and then!)
Be intentional about the media you consume
Stay informed and stay discerning, but turn it off and walk away when you need to. That includes not only the mainstream news, but all of the information coming at you 24/7 via social media and independent news sources. We weren’t built to process this much information all day long especially when so much of it is emotionally manipulative.
Connect with other people
If you think it, say it. Talk about how you feel about this election, this country, these candidates. Talk about what’s going on in your head and your heart. Sit on your porch with a neighbor or strike up a conversation with a stranger. Remind yourself that we’re all on this planet together. You’re not floating off alone in space.
Take action
This is not the time to hold back and stay small. If you have the stomach for phone banking or canvassing, volunteer. Ask your neighbor if they need a ride to the polls. Make something - bake a cake, paint a painting. Put on a rage (or joy) playlist and dance. Go put your hands in the dirt. Move through the world.
Take care of your body
Make sure you’re drinking enough water, eating nutritious foods, and getting enough sleep. Get up and take a walk or go to a yoga class. Remind yourself that you have a body. Love it. Nourish it. Anchor it.
That’s what I’ve got right now. Let me know how you’re managing the stress of this moment! We’ll get through this together. xoxo