I’m supposed to be writing to you about anxiety and healing right now.
I’m supposed to be writing about wellness and creativity and rebirth and joy and how to find your authentic voice and listen to you heart.
I’m supposed to be updating you on the progress I’ve made with my novel manuscript, telling you about the pollinators in my garden, writing love songs to the moon.
And I want to write about all of that.
I want to feel rooted and in the flow with my crown opened to the stars, and I want you to feel rooted and in the flow with your crown opened to the stars.
I want to breathe with you and I want my words to feel like breath.
I want to be in service to my own creative voice and yours.
I want to be in service to love.
I am absolutely going to write the thing I intended to write - about anxiety and worry and healing…but not right at this moment. Right at this moment, I’m going to be quiet and I’m going to drink water (after this coffee) and I’m going to rest so that the parts of me that have died from lack of sleep can regenerate like the arms of a starfish.
I want to be a rested starfish when I write to you.
Until then, here’s what’s soothing my nervous system:
Handpan music, Tilden incense, candles charged with magic, my journal, pajama pants, vegan mac and cheese.
What about you?
Where are you finding peace?
Let’s sit in that peace together for a moment and breathe. (Thank you for your patience while I recalibrate.)
P.S. Anybody else dealing with the overwhelming desire to go adopt a cat?
IMHO, you are absolutely in service to love when you write this. I used to be able to work and severe anxiety was one of the things that made that impossible (plus physical disabilities). Too often I read about how perfectly people seem to be doing or what art they are selling ( always better than mine). Now, I know you are a starfish like me and I get to live without all my arms and still be cool. But yours will grow back and you can dance in the rain. We starfish love water, even if it doesn’t solve Everything. It helps us find other starfish oddballs💖